Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Is It Just Me?

Recently I had the great misfortune to watch several movies, Little Man and Stepbrothers. While watching these with other people and seeing them bent over with laughter and evidently highly amused one has to ask oneself, "Is it just me?" I'm hardly a movie critic or a snub, in fact my whole basis on criticizing movie mainly consists on trying to take a fair approach to watching a movie and telling people my honest to god feelings about it.

So what does it speak about our culture that we've been raised to find stuff like Little Man funny? (That's not even mentioning Stepbrothers). You have an hour and a half of implausible and idiotic humor. I know one is supposed to suspend ones disbelief but that is impossible while watching truly imbecilic behavior on the TV screen. Little Man is staked with cliched characters, stereotypes, and one dimensional characters. There is no real character in the movie and all you succeed in seeing is one ill definied one dimensional character undergo a 'touching' change in perspective.

Its humor however is mystifying. From rubbing cookies on asses, to a ridiculously adult looking little person pretending to be a child, to, yes of course, the classic humor of people getting beat up and hit in the nuts. Oh yes. Nutcrackers are especially popular. I am simply, (and this may just be something wrong with me), not amused by men getting hit in the nuts, keelings over, making faces, and falling to the ground. Nope, nothing. Not even a chuckle.

To hear people say this is a good movie makes me sick. You get nothing out of this movie, nothing. Not even a chuckle. Shoddy script-writing, no, make that god awful script packed with stereotypes and one dimensional characters and no good humor. This is not even good slapstick as I saw in the first Home Alone, one of the few movies to be able to use the technique effectively without destroying their movies. What more can I say?

Stepbrothers, excuse me while I shudder, has got to be the most asinine of Wil Ferrells movies, and he has made some asinine movies. To see two 40 year old men act like 10 year olds is not funny. Its worse than watching Jethro Bodine on the Beverly Hillbillies. Most of the time all they succeed in doing is being creepy and wierd to put it blunt and succinctly. I can't even begin to describe how much I hate this film.

But the people I was with enjoyed both films, and that's what truly makes me wonder. As for any of you loyal readers, if I have any, please don't watch these movies, they've killed enough brain cells already, don't waste yours.

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